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Visa Questions

What is the status of visa after the job loss

Hi Everybody,

I am satya presently jobless and have many question over the status of my visa now which i wld like to share with you all and would be glad to know the advices/suggestions.
I hold masters degree in IT here in germany and soon after my studies i have got a job in berlin with GC status. i lost the job only after working for the company for 2 months.
After that i have moved to different place and am staying there since one month.as i was out from a company in 2 months i am not eligible for arbeitslossgeld. i heard tht i might get benifited by sozialhelp to pay my taxes.so i have approached local arbeitsamt and told my status and asked to suggest for socialhelp.After seeing my visa they have suggested to go auslanderbehorde first and to change the status of my visa.going to auslanderbehorde costed me a lot,auslanderbehorde has asked me to leave the country as am jobless now.they said as my papers are all there at berlin auslanderbehorde/arbeitsamt soon after they receive they wld be sending me the letter to leave the country. i lost the job in april 2004 and my GC is there till 2008. i was issued GC in jan 2004 and was there in the company till april.
Please suggest me what shall i do..is there any such rule for GC to stay for 3-6 months even after losing the job.if there wht shall i do, shall i go to auslanderbehorde again with the rules of GC or wht can i do.
Your quick responses would highly be appreciated.

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Re: What is the status of visa after the job loss
03.07.04 11:12 als Antwort auf satya mulagala.
There is no such law that would allow you to stay for 3 to 6 month after you lost your job. This only depends on the willingness of the Ausländerbehörde and the willingness of the Ausländerbehörde depends on the fact whether you are allowed to receive Arbeitslosengeld or not.

Even if you would be entitled to receive Arbeitslosengeld for 10 month, the Ausländerbehörde would only give you 3 to 6 month depending on the willingness of the individual Ausländerbehörde.

You are as a foreigner especially not entitled to receive Sozialhilfe.

In your case with a working duration of only 2 month the Ausländerbehörde usually will kick you out within 72 hours only delayed for the time they need to write their letter of immediate deportation.

What you immediately need is a new working contract.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: What is the status of visa after the job loss
03.07.04 13:23 als Antwort auf satya mulagala.
Hi Satya,
I have the same problem. In my case i worked for 6 month. I dont know what they can do with us. where do you live at the moment. Are u still in Berlin. Let me know ur telephone number. my mail adres is Jeddy1@freenet.de
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Re: What is the status of visa after the job loss
03.07.04 13:59 als Antwort auf satya mulagala.
Hi Satya,
Hi Khan,

ich glaube, dass Cardholder hat leider Recht. Ihr müsst schnell neuen Arbeitsplatz finden. Ich weiss nicht, ob das euch helfen kann, aber im Moment sucht man bei uns 2 bis 3 Programmierer. Das ist in Ruhrgebiet. Wenn jemand von euch interessiert ist, bitte schreibt mir eine email an hi_jumbo@lycos.com.
Leider kann ich nicht viel mehr machen, als euch der Firmaname und Kontaktdaten zu geben und bescheid den Shefs zu sagen.
Na ja - es ist aber doch eine Möglichkeit emoticon
Ich drücke euch die Daumen bei der Arbeitssuche.

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