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Visa Questions

visa extension

visa extension
01.08.04 21:59
Hello everybody:
my name is marycarmen and i am a peruvian girl living in holland since one year ago as an au pair... i have my visa until october this year but i would like to study german in germany (munich) so, i would like you to help me what can i do in order to get the extension visa... i am in much now and i will stay here one more week. i went to the inmigration office on friday and they told me the first step is to register here in munich so, i will go tomorrow to do that. i wanna study in Munchner volkshochshule. I hope you can help me with some information. Thank you so much.
Marycarmen emoticon
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Re: Visa extension
22.06.11 19:20 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
Ask the university to give you a letter stating that you need visa to finish your PhD and also by immatriculating you as a student for the above said duration. If possible build enough money in the bank for 6 months stay to prove that you can manage without working.
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Re: Visa extension
22.06.11 20:11 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
Thanks Raj, I hope that will work.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Visa extension
22.06.11 23:11 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.

since you are having Nr.18, that means u were paying your taxes and scoial security contributions. This in turn means that u r eligible for ALG (jobless money). Do the following:

Go to Arbeitsamt in your city and explain them that "u r a Wissenschfatlich Mitarbeiter(in) for last four years and regularly paying you taxes and social security contributions. Now that your contract is ending you to apply for ALG to look for a new job".

Most probably you will get financial help for next 6 to 12 months and with that you can further extend your Nr.18 visa at Ausslaenderbehoerde.

Good luck and keep us posted.

P.S: dont tell anything about your PhD and thesis story to Arbeitsamt.

P.P.S: this is not a legal advice.
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Re: Visa extension
22.06.11 23:57 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
thanks..Sounds adventurous and technically not bad ! I have been paying taxes and social security contributions for last four years as a Wiss. Mitarbeiter and presently my work permit is employer independent and unlimited but time bound. Are you sure that me going directly to Arbeitsamt for ALG without any consent of ABH, break any rules or attract any reaction from ABH?? I had never been there.. Also never heard of ABH extending visa at the behest of Arbeitsamt that too for ALG..hmmm.. Further expert/legal suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Visa extension
23.06.11 14:11 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
If u have §18 you are employee and getting ALG 1 is your legal right if you are eligible to work anywhere, i believe in ur case u r. ABH and Arbeitsamt are relatively independent and cooperate only if neede- noboy will inform ABH that you went to Arbeitsamt emoticon
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Re: Visa extension
29.06.11 17:55 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
Thanks for replies, just updating.. My professor agreed to prolong my contract for six months with less working hours. Anyway I think this would not be a problem with ABH..couldn't experience Arbeitsamt though ;) Jinx.

PS: PhD in Germany is not well structured unlike in north-america. Please share your experiences if despite of immatriculation you are handed a visa with §18 which on termination can not be extended/converted into §16 Student visa..other forum members might learn from your past experiences.
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Re: Visa extension
30.06.11 01:50 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
PS: PhD in Germany is not well structured unlike in north-america. Please share your experiences if despite of immatriculation you are handed a visa with §18 which on termination can not be extended/converted into §16 Student visa..other forum members might learn from your past experiences.

I think you are on the totally wrong page here. §18=payed taxes and social security = can get state support when contact expires. §16 = no contributions = no chance. Why on Earth would I convert §18 to §16? §18 is way more beneficial. Try to learn more Germany, don't lock yourself in the Uni.
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Re: Visa extension
30.06.11 16:21 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
(I think you are on the totally wrong page here.)
1. §18=payed taxes and social security = can get state support when contact expires. §16 = no contributions = no chance.
--Agreed. I do not have NE or European permanant residence. As I realized I might not finsh PhD formalities in my stipulated §18 visa duration, I went to ABH.

I asked them about possibility of extending my residence permit. I was told and I quote ''Please bring your new/prolonged work contract. If you fail to do so, your residence permit will not be extended and you will have to leave Germany after expiration of your visa/residence permit.''

2. Why on Earth would I convert §18 to §16? §18 is way more beneficial. Try to learn more Germany, don't lock yourself in the Uni.

--Disagree. To finish my PhD formalities I would like to stay in Germany with or without work to avoid unnecessory expenses for some thesis corrections/agreements! Just imagine expenses involved in reentering Germany with hell of a paperwork.

Hence §16 helps in such a case wherein ABH only verifies your bank account and makes sure that you have enough to survive. And §16 can be received untill PhD completion/exmatriculation.

§16 is always better for those who do not have plans to stay in Germany after their studies.

And also for those who intend to seek employment in Germany after study completion as you are eligible for a job search visa for one year provided you have enough resources to survive without any job.
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Re: Visa extension
01.07.11 03:03 als Antwort auf mary gonzales.
Well, since you were on §18 your studies should be considered as work, that means after 2 years of unlimited contract or 3 years "zeitlich begrenzt" contract, as presumably is in your case, you should have BE for Germany and have no problems in getting ALG I. Never feel shy to ask for explanation or request a justification of the decision, did you ask, why do they need a new contract? Ifyou have your line of reasoning you can prove u r right.
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