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Baby borned in Germany

Baby borned in Germany
24.02.04 14:55

does any of you knows about what happend if you are a GC owner with family here and your baby is borned in Germany?

Do you know what are the formalities that have to be made?

Did anyone of you had this experience?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Baby borned in Germany
24.02.04 19:09 als Antwort auf marian haus.
My second son born in here last year, before I am also a little bit nervous about the formality procedure or something others, but what do you know, when it happens, it just happens, everything just go with the flow and the good thing is that everything is easy and already being taking care of.

After you child is born, the hospital already sends all the documents to the StadtAmt. And the hospitals also give you a formular to be filled (name of the child and etc). What you do after that is take the filled formular and your passports to StadtAmt and after 2 days your child Birth Certificate is ready along with other document like a document to apply for KinderGeld, document to change your Tax Card, document to apply for ErziehungGeld (Child Education Money), you have to pay 20 euro or something I cannot remember exactly but everything should be easy.

But remember we have some problem in the StadtAmt, because we give our son name 3 word, but they checked and also they give a damn about the name meaning and everything so if they found out that the name doesn’t have any meaning at all then the will reject this, (a funny regulation, considering in my country we named our children differently, because we didn’t use a family name). So my suggestion is keep the name simple and if you really want to name your child the way you want it you have to contact your embassy and get the confirmation letter from them.

So Good Luck
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Re: Baby borned in Germany
25.02.04 11:02 als Antwort auf marian haus.

thanks for your answer and for the details
One more question, is your baby getting the german citizenship?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Baby borned in Germany
25.02.04 13:40 als Antwort auf marian haus.

in Germany, it's depend on the parent, so like us, we both are indonesian citizen, so our child automatically become indonesian citizen.
I heard from a friend but i don't know this true or not but after you child reach some age (17 or ?), he/she will be able to apply for Germany citizenship.

Best Regards

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Re: Baby borned in Germany
25.02.04 14:04 als Antwort auf marian haus.
A child born to GC-holding parents will get the citizenship of the parent's country. Which means that the principle of 'citizenship by descent' is followed.

The child is not entitled to a German citizenship. The exception to this is when a child is born to parents who hold an 'Aufenthaltsberechtigung' (right of settlement) already for 4 years at the time of birth of the child. In this case the child is eligible for German nationality from birth itself. Obviously this does not apply to the GC-holders.

Best regards,
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Re: Baby borned in Germany
25.02.04 14:15 als Antwort auf marian haus.
Thank you all for your answers.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Baby borned in Germany - für marc
25.02.04 16:25 als Antwort auf marian haus.
Hallo mac,

eine offizielle Anweisung (auch in Englisch):


Ich hoffe, dass es zu deiner Frage antwortet.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Baby borned in Germany
25.02.04 17:52 als Antwort auf marian haus.

danke für den Link. Es ist wirklich interessant.
Es ist genau was ich gesucht habe und glaube hiermit das diese Discussion beendet ist.

Danke an alle!

0 (0 Stimmen)

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