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How to find out job.

How to find out job.
19.07.04 16:16
Dear Specialists,

first of all good website for IT specialists...................................Dear friends
I am from thirdworld country having basic knowledge of computer programming or webdevelopment.I have forever workpermit(unbefriestet arbeitserlaubnis) for every type of work in germany due to my german wife.from the last 6 months i am finding out any job related computer programming or webdesigner but i still could not find out.i have good knowledge of english but basic german language knowledge.
Can anybody tell me how should i get good office related job not being a worker type job.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
19.07.04 16:58 als Antwort auf White Rose.
"Can anybody tell me how should i get good office related job not being a worker type job."

You have to develop skills that nobody else has, or that no body else is willing to do AND learn the basic skills that everyone else already have (for example, German).

If you can't develop, or don't have the skills yet, a worker type job, is not a bad thing. Its is really better to have a decent but perhaps unglamorous job than no job at all.
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Re: How to find out job.
19.07.04 17:16 als Antwort auf White Rose.
Hi WhiteRose,

no offense but first, I must admit that I had hard time trying to understand what you want to say and this leads me to doubt that you have a very good knowledge of English as per your say. It looks like you've translated from another language to English via a software.

But as this is not the point, lemme get straigth to your questions:
1. "I am from 3rd world country having basic knowledge of computer programming or web development", first red card, employers in Germany demand from you not to have a "basic knowledge of computer programming and/or web development" (you meant, web "design" or web "development"?), because you are supposed to be a strong, not to say an "expert" in your field for applying for a job in Germany, unless the job ad clearly specifies that Einsteiger or new graduates are welcome, which is not very likely the case, they always ask for at least 2 years of experience.

2. "I have forever workpermit (unbefriestet arbeitserlaubnis) for every type of work in germany due to my german wife", I think you meant "unlimited work permit", don't you?

3. "from the last 6 months i am finding out any job related computer programming or webdesigner but i still could not find out", you meant that you are searching for the last six months but have found no job, it's normal, the IT market is quite difficult at this time of life, but ain't that also related to the fact that as said above, you only have basic knowledge of these fields also that, as you say, "I have ... basic german language knowledge", which is likely to be strange because if you already have an unlimited work permit by your German wife, that means you've been married with her at least 3 years and you should have had a better knowledge of German, as a German friend of mine told me when I came in Germany, "you learn Germany better ni bed", if you see what I mean :-)

4. "Can anybody tell me how should i get good office related job not being a worker type job", here I think you are asking for a way to find a job where you will be in a office, sitting on a chair and not a "worker type", kinda transporting packages, cutting meal and that kinda work... which are very good jobs in fact, as we can't live without this people; then go to some websites like heise.de, monster,de, jobpilot.de, stepstone.de and make a search, or even in local newspapers.

Just to finish, "not being a worker type job", we are all doing a "worker type
job", as we all are workers, aren't we?

Don't take the message too personal, it was my view of what yuo've been saying and just get out what you find useful.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
19.07.04 17:26 als Antwort auf White Rose.
My personal suggestion for you will be to look for a blue collar job (worker type job) even that is harder but better than looking for a white collar job (good office related job). you know why I said like this? with worker type job you will be healthy and you earn same money in Germany.

are you planning to grow your tummy? then let me know what is your educational background? I can suggest much more :-)

good luck,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
20.07.04 16:20 als Antwort auf White Rose.
Thanks for your comments, but dears how to and from where to find out , should i go door to door for the job asking or through internet should i find out job?
I just want the way as well as what type of mostly auslander do here if they dont have any type of work experience. ? I dont want Taxi or Hotel job.
ok Blue collar job but is there work experience also needed ?and from where to find out these type of job.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
20.07.04 16:46 als Antwort auf White Rose.
You should try all posibilities! You can put your resume on the web, buy a newspaper (on the weekend), and you can even subscribe to a special newspaper that carries all the "Stellenanzeigen" from all other newspapers, sorted by category. You can also place your CV in the database from the employment agency (http://www.arbeitsamt.de/)
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Re: How to find out job.
20.07.04 16:48 als Antwort auf White Rose.

Thats true, Nitin. Whether your bank balance grows or not, you can grow your tummy very well in this so-called white collar job ;-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
08.12.04 15:59 als Antwort auf White Rose.
well, thank u for ur kind suggestion about the job in germany my dear friend. first i introduce my self my name is SIDIQ .Studying master of computer application in India.i want to work in Germany as a computer professional.even though my brother is living in germany ,i couldn't get the proper guide from him .

what are all the formalities to com e over there. wheather his(my brother) sponsores is acceptable over there,please help for me. i hope u will reply as soon as possible
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: How to find out job.
09.12.04 15:20 als Antwort auf White Rose.
very good topic everybody!
My questions follow around these similar points.
Has anybody out there found BETTER luck in finding employment by using an agent, or is it better just posting with the Arbeitsagentur.de office via the Web site. I am now having my CV translated and soon ready to forward to whomever is best at helpng me find a "Contract". I've found that most of these "middlemen" want ALOT of money, and I am not sure that they can do any better than the office listed above.
Any advice?...please DO reply.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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