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Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?

Can green card holder's spouse who is here in germany for two years and has found out a job and is now working and also has unlimited work permit from the arbeitsamt for future( as a rule of being in germany for two years), - get his/her own residence permit.( ie independent residance permit- extending each 2 years )

If yes, what is the procedure.?

As I have heard that according to the latest articles from interior ministry of Germany on the Foreigners Rights ( Rule 19 ), there is a possibility. But I am still not sure about this. ?

Please forward your experiences if any one has come across os such issues.

Thanks in advance.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
21.05.04 22:36 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
this was already discussed here:


and also here:



0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
22.05.04 00:03 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
As far as I know, nobody have done this before, because it was (and is) impossible according to the German law. Work permit (Arbeitsberechtigung)– yes, recidence permit (unbefristet oder minimum selbstandige Aufenthaltserlaubnis – no, only in case of divorce). And I can’t believe in this possibility without reading the text of this N19. But it can be cool, if your'll find it (N19).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
22.05.04 02:53 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
Now I know what you are talking about…
Sorry, but it’s just an ordinary AusLG § 19…No, it doesn’t help.

http://www.bmi.bund.de/services/externalViews/ExternalViews.jsp?template= singleFrameset&category=artikel&ixepf=3828_artikel&categoryVariant=bmi_DF&Thema= 57&language=de&hits=18&phits=94202%2c94797%2c94709%2c94456%2c92031%
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
22.05.04 04:05 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
22.05.04 13:47 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"As far as I know, nobody have done this before, because it was (and is) impossible according to the German law. Work permit (Arbeitsberechtigung)– yes, recidence permit (unbefristet oder minimum selbstandige Aufenthaltserlaubnis – no, only in case of divorce). And I can’t believe in this possibility without reading the text of this N19. But it can be cool, if your'll find it (N19)."

divorce or in case when her husband's residence permit has expired and can not be prolonged, but she has a job AND a valid work permit. Saying this only because unlimited work permits accordingly to SGB III can be limited in time as well, so who has got a truly completely unlimited work permit should be happy *lol* ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
22.05.04 20:37 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
If the wife (spouse) has ArB and Auferlaubnis (of her Ehemann=her own) expires, it doesn't mean that the ABH _must_ prolong it or give a new one. It can, but not obliged.
By the way: can somebody find Durchfuerungsanweisungen zum §286 SGB III ?
There should be info (I hope so) about the possibility to obtain time- and Auflage- limited Arbeitsberechtigung for GC-holders.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 02:53 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"By the way: can somebody find Durchfuerungsanweisungen zum §286 SGB III ?"

Didn't find it either - but i am lazy so it does not mean that such thing does not exist. although you should understand that such Durchführungsanweisung is not a law but just an opinion of some lawyer or an expert oppinion of some professor; so it does not guarantee that authorities/courts of law will have the same opinion *lol* emoticon

"There should be info (I hope so) about the possibility to obtain time- and Auflage- limited Arbeitsberechtigung for GC-holders."

you can use §286 Abs.1 Satz 1 Nr. 1a) SGB III if you will be able to prove that your usual residence place was not abroad when you obtained your work permit (so that restriction of §286 Abs.2 Satz 1 Nr.2 does not apply to you). However, it will be really hard to prove for someone who regularly visits his/her home country. But for me it is a good idea, so i have one more argumentation possibility *lol* emoticon

further look in §2 ArgV - here Abs.6 can be probably interesting, however it is a very risky way *lol* emoticon

and i just found one interesting resource.

"In besonderen Härtefällen kann gemäß § 1 Abs. 2 ArGV eine Arbeitserlaubnis auch unabhängig von der Arbeitsmarktlage erteilt werden, entweder beschränkt auf einen bestimmten Betrieb oder Beruf, oder auch ohne Beschränkung auf einen bestimmten Betrieb oder Beruf."

"Arbeitserlaubnistausch: wenn der andere Ehepartner zwar Anspruch auf eine Arbeitserlaubnis hätte, aber z.B. wegen Kinderbetreuung oder Krankheit nicht arbeiten kann und deshalb den Verzicht auf seine Arbeitserlaubnis erklärt (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Durchführungsanweisung (DA) Arbeitserlaubnisrecht 1995, 2.2.721)."

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 02:56 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
by the way, try to find this thing: "Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Durchführungsanweisung (DA) Arbeitserlaubnisrecht 1995", probably it contains what you are looking for ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 03:36 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
“you should understand that such Durchführungsanweisung is not a law but just an opinion of some lawyer or an expert oppinion of some professor; so it does not guarantee that authorities/courts of law will have the same opinion”

No. Es (DA, Richtlinien) ist “innere Recht”. It’s binding.

„this thing: "Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Durchführungsanweisung (DA) Arbeitserlaubnisrecht 1995",“

Veraltet. Noch vor AFRG (1997). Need new.

„§286 Abs.1 Satz 1 Nr. 1a) SGB III“ and “§2 ArgV - here Abs.6” – unreal. _You_ can try. For all others better not.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 14:12 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"No. Es (DA, Richtlinien) ist “innere Recht”. It’s binding."

I do not agree with you here. It's just a common understanding of a part of legal system in some point of time. Which is constantly changed because of new decisions of courts of law as well, you yourself pointed it out saying that the instructions from 1995 and 1997 are old.

DA and Richtlinien can be contradicted, if you can provide a better argumentation.

""§286 Abs.1 Satz 1 Nr. 1a) SGB III“ and “§2 ArgV - here Abs.6” – unreal. _You_ can try. For all others better not.""

Please provide some argumentation which backs up those words ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 15:56 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"Now I know what you are talking about… Sorry, but it’s just an ordinary AusLG § 19…No, it doesn’t help."

? :o what §19 AuslG has to do with §286 Abs.1 Satz 1 Nr. 1a) SGB III or §2 ArgV Abs.6? :o and what §19 AuslG has to do with GCs? it's only for wives of GCs, which do not have an independent residence permit ... if you mean me pointing out previously on possibility to "exchange" a holder of a work permit inside family, it is meant to work in this way: wife of a GC has an unlimited work permit (must be unrestricted in time - valid after a date when a residence permit of her husband expires), she can not work because need to care after small child, is ill, etc., she refuses from her right to work, loses her unlimited work permit and her husband gets it *lol* emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 16:30 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"an ordinary AusLG § 19…No, it doesn’t help."

It wasn't addressed to you, trusday. It concerns the reference to the unknown “rule N19”
And I have neither time nor wish to argue with you (here or on it-ru) about the legal nature of the DA.

Your way it’s your own way.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residance permit of spouse of a green card holder ?
23.05.04 17:04 als Antwort auf GCI GCI.
"And I have neither time nor wish to argue with you (here or on it-ru) about the legal nature of the DA."

you can not argue with me on it-ru.de, just because i neither write there anything nor i will write there anything in the future ;)

and making so-called "unquestionable" statements without providing any argumentation does not seem to me a right way of discussion handling. I know that such things as "unquestionable" and "ultimate truth" statements are very normal in Russia, but i am pretty sure that it is not so in Germany.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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