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Visa Questions

Looking for GCler with spouse with Permanent Residance?

First of all, I am trying to get few new informations here, so do not answer with "Do a search for spouse work permit".
I did it and I did not found answer on this question:
What is exact procedure and did somone allready get Permanent Residance (Aufenthaltsberechtingung or after 1.1.05 Niederlassungerlaubnis) for his spouse?

In trust7 there is only procedure for permanent work permit and that is really nice, but it would be even better to have something similar for PR.
Main problem with PR for spouse is that AB Beamter can give it to you but he does not know it.
So you will oft get negative answer just because of his ignorance.
True is that even if he knows law he does not have to give it to you because he is not obliged to. But in that case you stand some chance and you could get it. If he doesn't know for this possibility than you do not stand a chance at all.

So it would be more than helpfull if someone who did it, share the details with us, than we can use it as a reference to explain to Beamter that it is possible.

Here one expert on this field explains this possibility.
Jens Weissenberg trust7 Club member since September 2003, Deutschtrainer and staatlich geprüfter Berater für ausländische Arbeitnehmer und ihre Familien says:

"In any case, it makes sense to apply for a separate residence permit for your spouse at the responsible Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners’ Office), since he/she has the possibility to apply for a residence authorization (the highest German residence title at present) after 2 years. Nevertheless, the approval of the residence authorization through the Foreigners Office is up to its own judgment. That means that this possibility is not based on any law. However, there have already been some successful approvals of residence authorizations for spouses of GC HOLDERS-. In this case, the spouse is no longer dependent on the GC HOLDER regarding the residence status; through the job, he/she has his/her own reason to stay. Moreover, if the GC HOLDER becomes unemployed and he/she faces deportation, then he/she can appeal to the residence status of his/her spouse and stay because of being married to a foreigner with residence authorization in Germany."
"TIP: If the spouse also works in Germany, then he/she should in any case apply for the residence authorization 2 years after arrival at the responsible Foreigners Office."

So if there is any spouse with PR out there let us know, please?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Looking for GCler with spouse with Permanent Residance?
23.09.04 19:11 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.

i know you are so eager to get an awnser, and truly me too...incase no one replys i will give you a feed back next week, becoz i am going to the aulander behörde any way for my visa restamping, as me and my wife lost the passports and we are getting new ones now and ....and on monday i will take the Arbeitsberechtigung paper of my wife and also her social security number and prrof and will stress on them to give a independant residence permit if not permanent atleast limited.

So i dont know any rules, but i can speak little bit german (i have been always speaking to them in german and they understand it luckily) and see what happens...

May be in an hour any one can give me tips becoz, after that i leave and tomorrow i get the new passports and monday i am going to auslandersamt.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Good luck at AB Jackal!
23.09.04 20:20 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Looking for GCler with spouse with Permanent Residance?
24.09.04 13:16 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi Jackal & DVD,

I have been asking a very similar question as you may already know, I will be very interested to try getting an independent residence permit for my wife even if the chance is small (at least a chance should exist).


I also wish you a very successful visit to the AB.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Jackal wait, I've solve it! :)
24.09.04 18:17 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Ich glaube ich habe es.

Eigentlich es handelt sich um Unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis. Jemand hat vermutlich was falsch übersetzt.

AuslG § 25 Unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Ehegatten
(1) Bei Ehegatten, die in ehelicher Lebensgemeinschaft zusammenleben, genügt es, wenn die in § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 und 3 und Abs. 2 Satz 1 bezeichneten Voraussetzungen durch einen Ehegatten erfüllt werden.

AuslG § 24 Unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis
(1) Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist unbefristet zu verlängern, wenn der Ausländer

1 fällt raus - die Aufenthaltserlaubnis seit fünf Jahren besitzt,
2 eine Arbeitsberechtigung besitzt, sofern er Arbeitnehmer ist,
3 im Besitz der sonstigen für eine dauernde Ausübung seiner Erwerbstätigkeit erforderlichen Erlaubnisse ist,
... - fällt raus
(2) Ist der Ausländer nicht erwerbstätig, wird die Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach Maßgabe des Absatzes 1 nur verlängert, wenn der Lebensunterhalt des Ausländers
1 aus eigenem Vermögen oder aus sonstigen eigenen Mitteln oder
2 durch einen Anspruch auf Arbeitslosengeld oder noch für sechs Monate durch einen Anspruch auf Arbeitslosenhilfe gesichert ist.

Also ich merke dass die grosste Problem d.H. 5 Jahren Frist aus § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 fällt raus.
Zweite grosse Problem ist Arbeitsberechtigung aus§ 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 2.

Das hat mir trust7 gelöst. Ich kann problemlos für Ehegatin Arbeitsberechtigung schaffen.
Also endlich sind die in § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 und 3 und Abs. 2 Satz 1 bezeichneten Voraussetzungen durch einen Ehegatten erfüllt. Etwas durch sie etwas durch mich.

Also dass hat Jens gedacht!
Dass solte Lösung sein!
emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon

Jackal wait wait!!
Do not go to Ausländerbehörde without theese few lines.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Looking for GCler with spouse with Permanent Residance?
26.09.04 16:25 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
HI DVD and others,

Thank you very much for your wishes. And DVD special thanks for the information.

As, u said i checked this messages on sunday afternoon, so tomorrow i am going to the AB with the print out of your message and i hope they will cooperate.

Lets wait for the result..

0 (0 Stimmen)

False Alarm
26.09.04 23:09 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Sorry Jackal but it was false alarm.

This is from VwV for AuslG: - Der Antragsteller erfüllt die in § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 und 4 bis 6 genannten Voraussetzungen,

Meaning wife has to have 5 years in De.
But go for it anyway. Maybe Beamter doesn't know it.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Looking for GCler with spouse with Permanent Residance?
27.09.04 13:37 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.

I went to the Ab, but got rejected and he said its not possible to give her individual residence permit and it will be only associated with me, and regarding the work with the Arbeitsberechtigung she can work and what he also told is that i should come by the end of Jan 2005 for further discussion, as by then the immigration law will come into effect and he said he also doesn't know the exact conditions but he is still open to do anything at that point of time.

thats all from me

0 (0 Stimmen)

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