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Insurance - Versicherung

Insurance - Versicherung
16.02.05 15:02
Does anyone know about an insurance company that has good offer and is reliable?
I currently have Halfpflicht from Allianz. But they are quite expensive. I also want to do Rechtschutz (lawyer) insurance ? I live in Munich.
Some interesting offers I found were from HUK Coborg, Versicherung Kammer Bayern, Hamburger Manheimer, R+V versicherung etc...all seems good but are quite difficult to select !
May be Detlef should also start offering us the some versicherung angebote needed by Greencardholders. Afterall we all trust him !
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
16.02.05 15:27 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.

thanks for your positve view of my person :-)

It is an honour that you trust me and I will try my best to keep your confidence. I do not want to disappoint anybody by recommending something bad, therefore I need some time to find the right services. I searched long for good lawyers, now I can recommend VPMK and I am searching for other good services, which I can recommend to you, too.

I already found something for health- and life insurances, where you can compare different providers free of charge and nonbinding.


This is only in German language and if you do it, you will be contacted by an independant agent, which could be a bit annoying, but as I said before, you do not have to book anything, it is nonbinding.

This is just a beginning, because my goal is, to develop trust7 as a kind of service portal for foreign experts, working in Germany.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
16.02.05 15:38 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
DKV had some special scheme for GreenCard holders, i.e., young people who would not stay here for a long time. Its quite resonably priced. But I am not sure if they still have this offer.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 01:31 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Checkout http://www.comfortplan.de/ may be it can help you.


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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 17:51 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Hi all ,
Can anyone tell me whether a person with govt health insurance is anyways diffrentiated from a private kranken versicherung. eg : is it true that private one get separate rooms (private room) in hospital and get appointment from doctors first.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 18:18 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
The problem with public insurance is that everybody get the same treatment, don't care how much your contribution is.

For private, only 1 rule of thumb emoticon.
You get what you has paid.
I got an offer from Nurnberger for 208 euro permonth compare to public -> 500 euro or more.
In my pocket I have saved around 150 euro permonth. :-)
For GC male under 30, it is always cheaper to use private. For female it cost 50% more. for example my wife 320 euro permonth, for the same insurance package and she is younger than me.
My package include: 2 bed room facility, can select doctor for my treatment, although the dental isn't so great deal compare to others but I figure out it is OK.

If you plan to marry in 1 or 2 years, change to private isn't a good choice unless your wife is working too.

hope this help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 18:25 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Be aware that not everyone can go for PRIVATE: you need to earn a minimum of 46,350 Euro per year.

"Ein Wechsel in die private Krankenversicherung ist für Angestellte und Arbeitnehmer in 2004 erst ab 46.350 Euro Jahreseinkommen möglich."
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 18:31 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
sorry I forgot to mention the condition.
I think all GC should exceed this number right?

One more condition not to change is if you have children, then better to stay with the public.

To change to private required a carefull selection, look into details and good german skill. Most of the private insurance doesn't have representative in each city except alianz or AXA, but they are expensive.

If you decide to change then take the risk, don't cry like a baby if in the end they don't speak english with you.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 18:46 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Check www.sdk.de
Its Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung....one of the best. They have different slabs/levels according to what you can pay for.

On their website homepage, you can click on Unternehmen->PLZ-suchen
Then enter your City Pin and it will list you their agent for that area(if any). Most of them speak english also.

Note: If you are unmarried and plan to stay in Germany for short period, then only go for Private.

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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 19:01 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
My previous message was only a suggestion from my point of view. I myself am privately insured(satisfied also) but sometimes I feel sorry for why I changed to private insurance 4 years back.....speacially when I have to pay separately for my wife and daughter every month emoticon
Because at the end of year(X) you will have equation like:
Salary of year(X+1) <= Salary of year(X)
Private Insurace cost of year(X+1) > Private Insurace cost of year(X+1)

Have a nice evening.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 19:11 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Hello guys,

According to my knowledge the company also pays for the private-insurance of your wife provided the total amount does not exceed the amount that is normally paid when you are with public health insurance.
One of my friends is in the process of doing this and will keep you informed.

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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
17.02.05 22:47 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.

If you are single and you donot plan to marry then it is beter that you switch to private health insurance to save some money. I had private health insurance with Allianz. I also has an operation while with this insurance and believe me there is no difference in the treatment if you are either private or public. If you have a family the maximum amount your company will contribute is around 250 euros and if your combined insurance of your family is more than 500 euros then you might have to pay some extra money and its not taht easy to switch back to public as most people think. The other disadvantage of private insurance that i have faced is that you are always in a process of writing your claims to your insurance company, settling the amount with doctors. This seems easy but sometime it is very irritating especially when the doctor charges more and your insurance company refuses to pay the full amount. I had many cases like these. You are then just the middle man between your doctor and the insurance company.
The cost of private insurance with one child is almost the same as that of the public insurance and it is better to remain with public if you are planning to have two or more childs otherwise private insurance will cost more than public.

1. There is no difference in treatment / medicine / doctor appointment for private and public.
2. If you have a family keep the public health insurance.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
18.02.05 11:30 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Hi I am looking NOT for krankenversicherung but rather privat and Rechtschutz versicherung.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
18.02.05 11:34 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
I don't agree if you said no different treatment between private and public.
1 of PKV-er experience, she made appointment with the treatment clinic, the clinic gave the appointment 3 months ahead. Then she said that she is in PKV, and she got it in 1 week.
I think that's tell you a difference.

One has to judge case by case, and remember:
You get what you have paid.
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
18.02.05 12:11 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
But even if you have GKV (Gesetzliche Kranken Versicherung) and tell your dentist that you have toothache, you will get an immediate appointment. I told my doctor (General medicine) that I have throat infection and I got an immediate appointment.

But in the case of single roon in hospitals, its no wonder as you pay more, and surely will get more.

Can someone enlighten this: I have heard that you cant comeback to GKV from PKV, in case you want later on. I mean, if I lose my job, I surely want to change from Privat to GKV!

Regarding Rechtschutzversicherung, the most famous one in DE seems to be DAS. www.das.de

Or else as Detlef said: You dont need RSV as they take up cases only which they think they´ll win. And in this case you wont lose any money as the defendant will pay your lawyer!!!

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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
22.02.05 12:46 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
Hi all,

I'm holding an AOk student Kranken insurance but as i would exmatriculate in next month i asked them to cancel it .From next month i'm planning to take a private Insurance which is cheaper Student Classic Tariff (with Accident And 3rd party liability) which is 33€ per month.
The person in Aok said me if i could show him a proof that i would be insured to private agency from the next month he could cancel it and said a condition that i'm not allowed to take a private insurance as i am a practicant without student status and should compulsarily take Govt insurance.
Could any one of U throw light on this topic.....
Details : My student status would expire in March and i don't know if it is Nach Practicum visa or something as i have a visa titel "Aufenthalts Erlaubnis" and mentioned in another page as "practicum and my firma name "in passport.

Was the person in AOK right or i doubt if he is trying to make me insure with AoK for 1 more year instead of private one?
Could i insure with a private Agency(look above web link)?

waiting for replies...
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Insurance - Versicherung
28.02.05 19:28 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
I would like to ask you a new question: I am a PhD student employed by the German University(Under 4 year contract). I am currently insurred by TK. Can I change this insurance agent and apply for an insurance in a private company like Mawista? What happen with social insurance if I change the insurance company? Now, my social and health insurances are paid through TK:
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
03.03.05 12:55 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
In this chain i would like to know if i should change to privat versicherung since both of us (me+my wife) are employed.we have a govt health insurance.Atleast i think i save some money.what do u all say?
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Re: Insurance - Versicherung
30.04.11 19:59 als Antwort auf Prasanna Tuladhar.
@stier and others,

i am in a similar situation, but my my wife is not working, we dont have kids and my earning is approx. 60K brutto. What are the advantages of switching from Gesetzlich to Pivat versichernung?
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