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Erwerbtatigkeit Gestattet - Nicht Gestattet

I'm a non EU member, from Canada. When I did my "Auftenhaltserlaubnis" it was written on the form the reason I'm here, living/working, I even declared a great amount of money and health insurance. I was granted one year, Working only allowed after the approval of the "Arbeitagentur" Selbstadig Erwerbtatigkeit gestattet.

Now 6 months later, I get a call and saying they need to change my status, to "nicht gestattet"

My father, has gotten a permament full time job and his aufenhalt has been extanded to 2 years, but also specifies job despription and address where he works, and at the bottom it says "Erwerbtatigkeit nicht gestattet"

According to the law, Canadians have special requests in regards to Aufenthaltserlaubnis and need to request more information to Auslanderamt.
However, my Amt does not feel the need to explain the law to me although, I'm entitled to "Erwerbtatigkeit gestattet" simply because I fill most of the request needed.

Can someone please describe to me if this is the right way or am I being scammed?
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