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Arbeitvertrag or Diensvertrag

Arbeitvertrag or Diensvertrag
16.05.06 00:43
I got BatIIa/2 contract with the University last year.But this year, the University changed it to a Diensvetrag. With Diensvertrag(40 working hours per week), I get higher brutto and netto, but are deducted about half of the brutto for Tax and every kinds of Insurance...How we compare both contracts? Are they considered equivalently? The duration of both contract are the same.
Another question: If I get monthly mobility, the item should be tax free or not?
Thank you for your information and help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Arbeitvertrag or Diensvertrag
16.05.06 12:20 als Antwort auf N Nguyen.
suggest them to change it to a freelancer contract. they don't lose anything with that, you gain following:
- you don't have to pay for a pension insurance. that's lots of money, and you won't get them back!
- you don't have to pay for unemployment insurance. that costs you some money as well
- for most purchases you don't have to pay sales tax. 19% (from 2007, now 16%) savings from almost every purchase you make ...
- you get the possibility to deduct more from income tax
- you don't have to take a vacation

why should you pay german state easy money when politicians mostly use them to employ more officials, to create more bureaucracy and thus to make more problems for you?
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