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90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!

One official has said in a court of law that 90% of GCs have left Germany. What do you think about such a statement? - please post here

If you know where i can get statistical data or some other sort of information that can prove that that official was not right - please post here! I know what to do in such a case, but i need some kind of information that can be used as a proof
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
08.05.07 22:17 als Antwort auf - -.
It is not hard to believe it.
Almost everybody from India and around goes to US or UK. You can see it on the forum also.

What's up with you "Bindestrich"?
Stil visiting court of law?
Stil in Germany?
Got permanent residance?
Got job?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
08.05.07 23:13 als Antwort auf - -.
One of the main reasons could be the English speaking environment of UK, Canada and USA (For the people who think about the future of their families, education of their children)

As Germany is more like socialistic, incentive for formers are not highly affected on the base of qualification difference. In this situation the, points system introduced by Canada and UK additionally attracts qualified people where they feel recognition of their skills.

If the 90% figure is true; it should be a matter of concern for Germany nonreducing more attractive laws as compare to English speaking countries.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
09.05.07 00:15 als Antwort auf - -.
2 DvD

Stil visiting court of law? yes
Stil in Germany? yes
Got permanent residance? no
Got job? lately i always had a job. one-two months break do not count ;-)

2 DvD and kirn26

i think i didn't formulate my original question right. the official i mentioned pointed out that 90% of GCs left Germany - that is, went back to their home countries. She made clear that GC was never intended to be used for immigration purposes, only provided people from other countries with the possibility to work in Germany on a temporary basis => Germany doesn't have to give GCs a permanent residence permit even when those GCs fulfill all requirements that are stated in the immigration law
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
09.05.07 10:07 als Antwort auf - -.
if you search only in this form, how many GCs posted their success in getting NE and now going to apply for GC. Though, many left as well :-)

The figure 90% seem not to be true, but might be over 50% :-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
09.05.07 20:13 als Antwort auf - -.
In that sence it is completely false. Guy is daydreaming or better say wishfull talking.
I think he understud GC that way and he would like it to happend that 90% GC go home but I supose only 10% left home.

Or even worse, maybe this guys pulls some non existing false data just to kick you out of Germany.
Anyway if he tries to explain judge in your case that all GC went home just because it was temporary measure to fill up the holes before kids get IT Uni title, than you can explain him this way:
"Of course it was temporary measure, but on the other hand people have their own rights too. They are not toys to temporaly use them and throw them away. They are human beings and as such, they are protected by the law. If they worked in Germany for 3 years they are entitled to permanent work permit, and after 5 years on permanent residance. They have right to take it or leave and go home. And I supose those who left home are less than 10% and mostly from India, just because they have there much higher economy growth than Germany."
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
09.05.07 23:54 als Antwort auf - -.
"Guy is daydreaming or better say wishfull talking."
"but I supose only 10% left home."

if there is some sort of statistics that can prove this, i can ensure that that official next time thinks twice before they say something in a court of law ;-) otherwise i will just have to prove that GC was never intended to be a temporary measure to fill up the holes before kids get IT Uni title, but can't make that official pay for their behaviour
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
10.05.07 01:55 als Antwort auf - -.
Hi "-", you asked:

One official has said in a court of law that 90% of GCs have left Germany. What do you think about such a statement? - please post here

Using the search function of this web site, it took me one hour to find my posting below.

"-", my posting above includes links to some official and academic researches about Greencard people, w.r.t. statistics. I think you will use the statistics for juristical reasons.

I suspect that you will find a more recent academic research. In the documents above you will find that the state does not develop statistics about Greencard any more, so I am afraid you will not find any other scientific/technical report on internet.

Hope this helps.


Detlef, it is a nightmare to search posts in the forums. The forum server of this web site is very, very slow. Therefore all the people are so lazy waiting for hours long, to find a posting. It took me one hour to find my document above, which is very important for "-".

Please assign a web developer to update this website. It will be added value, and will also help you to make advertisement of this site better.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: 90% of GCs have left the country - is THAT true?!
11.05.07 18:54 als Antwort auf - -.
How did the officer prove the 90%?
0 (0 Stimmen)

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