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From 2 weeks to 6 months...

From 2 weeks to 6 months...
23.12.04 18:29
Found a job in July, got contract in July, salary requirements of 32,sth euros far fullfilled, made a request for a new WP, was supposed to have it in 2 weeks top, man, it's been 6 months :-)
2 Diplomas (Computer Science and Mathematics) all of 8 years of studies in total (but made in 6 because I was skilled enough for) and you know what? My request for a new WP was rejected because the diplomas were not "internationally recognized" :-) After having received 3 WPs from different cities, that's a shock, ain't it?
Took a lawyer (a very good and passionate one, thanks Detlef), fought for that and today I learned that I will be only able to apply for a new WP next year because the person in charge is moving to another post and there will be none til next Wednesday to take care of the case, as it should be re-submitted. Funny, ain't it?
But I really hope the WP with the new law will be not that crazy to get.

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Re: From 2 weeks to 6 months...
27.12.04 15:19 als Antwort auf NoBody.

The question is: Where come these people in Arbeitsamt or Auslaenderbehoerde from? I also have such an officer in my city's Arbeitsamt. They "personally" don't want to have more foreign people in this country and they are at the positions where foreign people have to apply for a WP!!

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Re: From 2 weeks to 6 months...
27.12.04 16:09 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Where do they come from ? emoticon

Well, they are Germans like the other Germans around us. emoticon You can not isolate the officers from the society that they are living in. If the society has prejudices against foreigners, so do the officers belonging to that society.

An average AA/AB Officer is nothing more than an average German, so you can expect from that person, a global view or a better understanding of the cultures etc.. He/She just wants to see less foreigners around, a pathetic situation actually for a person who deals with foreigners as an everday work. emoticon maybe german government should choose them specificly for this job, maybe they should go through some psychological test before they become eligible for that offices.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: From 2 weeks to 6 months...
28.12.04 12:33 als Antwort auf NoBody.
-- maybe german government should choose them specificly for this job, maybe they should go through some psychological test before they become eligible for that offices.

I am certain they do it allready.
They choose people that think like them,
meaning people who don't want foreigners.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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