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Help needed!

Help the Flood victims

Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 17.08.10 20:13
Re: Help the Flood victims R V 18.08.10 01:00
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 18.08.10 12:27
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 18.08.10 14:57
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 18.08.10 19:24
Re: Help the Flood victims Punar Punar 18.08.10 19:35
Re: Help the Flood victims trust7 18.08.10 19:42
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 18.08.10 22:49
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 19.08.10 12:57
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 13:01
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 19.08.10 13:01
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 19.08.10 13:03
Re: Help the Flood victims Max max 19.08.10 13:10
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 13:44
Re: Help the Flood victims R V 19.08.10 14:17
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 14:31
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 19.08.10 16:39
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 17:04
Re: Help the Flood victims kasturi vamsi 19.08.10 17:11
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 19.08.10 17:13
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 17:20
Re: Help the Flood victims Max max 19.08.10 17:27
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 17:34
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 19.08.10 17:38
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 17:45
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 19.08.10 18:00
Re: Help the Flood victims R V 19.08.10 18:30
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 19.08.10 22:24
Re: Help the Flood victims subir subir 19.08.10 23:32
Re: Help the Flood victims moiin moiin 19.08.10 23:52
Re: Help the Flood victims Max max 20.08.10 12:12
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 20.08.10 13:22
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 20.08.10 13:56
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 20.08.10 14:45
Re: Help the Flood victims R V 20.08.10 19:09
Re: Help the Flood victims Rohit Kumar 20.08.10 19:34
Re: Help the Flood victims trust7 20.08.10 20:14
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 20.08.10 22:56
Re: Help the Flood victims M K 21.08.10 00:40
Re: Help the Flood victims milan bhatt 24.08.10 11:32
Re: Help the Flood victims Muhammad Bilal 25.08.10 15:38
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 25.08.10 18:04
Re: Help the Flood victims M K 25.08.10 19:41
Re: Help the Flood victims Rohit Kumar 25.08.10 21:09
Re: Help the Flood victims leo leo 26.08.10 23:40
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 31.08.10 22:36
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 01.09.10 00:21
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 01.09.10 01:40
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 01.09.10 13:55
Re: Help the Flood victims raj kumar 01.09.10 15:32
Re: Help the Flood victims Max max 01.09.10 16:11
Re: Help the Flood victims Zeeshan Javeed 01.09.10 17:58
Help the Flood victims
17.08.10 20:13
I am an old member of this great IT community called Trust7, live in Hamburg and my motherland is Pakistan.
I am sure every one must have heard and will be concerned with the havoc created by Monsoon rains and the resultant floods in Pakistan.
This is the biggest natural desaster in the living memory in terms of resultant displaced persons. Over 20 million people have lost their livelihoods and homes.
They need every kind of help but this requires the same old beauty or beast ..."Money". I would request you all to donate as much as you can in any of the organizations / NGOs you think are trust worthy.
In this link below you'll find many well reputed Pakistani as well as International organizations.


Please forward this message to your colleagues as well.

Thanking in advance,
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 01:00 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

I am originally from India and I just want to tell you that me, my family and my friends all stand shoulder to shoulder with our Pakistani brothers in this hour of need. I already did my part of donation and also forwarded this link to almost 200 email addresses and hopefully this chain will gather some momentum, just let me know if some day you also receive this forwarded message.

Winds of change are blowing, lets use this opportunity to be united once again. We are living in Germany and only this country has set the example of re-unification!!

Long Live India.....Long Live Pakistan!!
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 12:27 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

thanks friend. All of these warm gestures and actions bring us closer and closer.
I have many Indian friends here and we play league cricket together for the same club.
I pray that this hard time passes quickly for those poor people who have lost everything.
Those raging waters have brought complete destruction to many cities and villages. Any amount which we send will in one way or the other save the life of a small child or his mother or his complete family.
Guys please participate in this humanitarian cause and ask others to do the same.
God bless you all.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 14:57 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Mr. Khokhar it would be wise if your government reduce half of the defense spending and use the money for the flood victims instead of begging for money from other countries.I can understand its a humanitarian crisis but Pakistan is not a poor African nation like Somalia,you guys spend almost 25 Billion on defense and culturing terrorism.I am sure your government will ask for more F16 and UAV from Americans instead of food to help the flood victims.
Also the ego of Pakistan is so much that it still did not accept the 5 Million dollars given by India.Their best friend China which is going to be second largest economy only gave 1.5 Million and none of the oil rich Muslim nations gave a single penny.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 19:24 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Mr. Raj,

your comments do not deserve a reply, I can just hope and pray that we can find a way to help each other in the time of need.
The nature can be unkind and can bring disasters at any one which can be us as well.
When a child looks at its mother or father and asks for food which they don't have....., it's unthinkable.

I also have kids and I can imagine that pain :-(

God bless you.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 19:35 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Dear Khokhar,

Thanks for your post and links, it will be a great honour to contribute in this time of need.
Though I am sitting in Delhi, I see lot of activities here as well to help the ppl both in Pakistan and Leh.

Let us prove that in time of need, we are true friends.

Best regards,
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 19:42 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

my 5 cents! This is not the time to point on politians, who are responsible for your examples. I guess polittians are almost the same everywhere and you can find wrong things everywhere. This will not help the people at all.

I support the appeal of Khokhar and I hope that there are many people like raj2009, who just want to help because they can not stay impassive when they see people suffering.

My bist wishes to the poor victims of the flood!
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Re: Help the Flood victims
18.08.10 22:49 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Yes this is not the right time to talk about politics but before we donate its our right to know if this money really being used for the right purpose or its just making these people more rich.Please have a look at this stats


Mr.Asif Zardari is worth four times as much as the donations the UN is seeking.He was elected by the people of Pakistan.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 12:57 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Thanks Detlef,
you have always been very understanding and co-operated with each and every one who came with a question or problem in this forum.
As you said we'll leave politics to politicians for the moment and try to help those in need.
The link which I have provided doesn't include any single govt. related fund just for the same reason that including myself many people don't trust the politicians.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 13:01 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Mr. Khokhar is asking us to donate and we Indians donated 5 million which still your government is not ready to accept and US is pressurizing them to accept a big ego problem.
I am also a Indian so please tell me whom should i donate?
Yes the link which you provided doesn't include any single govt but we all know everything goes via govt and you personally not going to the flood victims and give the donations or help them.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 13:01 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Hi Punar, thanks for your kind words and I respect and resiprocate the same feelings for you guys.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 13:03 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Hi Raj, that is again the politicians thing.
Please have a look at the link which I have provided, all of those organizations will be more than happy to accept any donation.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 13:10 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
These pakistanis are actually quite funny.

I go this from TOI

Their remarks came amid a rash of reports in the Pakistani media blaming India, principally, for the massive floods, purportedly because New Delhi had deliberately diverted waters from dams in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, and from the ones it "controlled in Afghanistan”. Some reports also charged that US was manipulating weather patterns over Pakistan. US officials dismissed the idea with incredulity.
I will say to fellow Indians its better not to help them. Me being looking rude here but thats the truth.We already have 2 pakisthan growing inside (kerala and kashmir).

Better donate to poor living in India atleast they will not bite you back .
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 13:44 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Hi Khokhar,what do you mean politicians thing? you saying we donate and rest is politicians thing to decide what they do?How can i be sure this chowrangi is not just a branch of JUD or LET?
Do you give us a guarantee that the money which we donate will reach the flood victims and not to your politicians,ISI and terrorists.
I feel sorry for the flood victims but the fact is people all around the world have so much hate for Pakistan just read any blog on CNN,BBC,Bild anywhere you see the hatred.When there was the earthquake everyone generously donated but none reached the victims and Pakistan used this money for terrorism and this going to happen again.
Please think before anyone donate a penny.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 14:17 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

Hey Bro!! u r doing a great job for a noble cause and me, my family and my friends stand by with you and your people in this hour of need. I see an opportunity here to bury the decades of hatred and for a change work for the same cause, just like good old days when our forefathers worked together to kick the Britishers out of our region. There are good and bad people everywhere in the world, and if I was in your shoes I wont reply to these ignorant idiots..........., may be they belong to RSS or Shiv Sena :-), but definitely they don't have the right to speak on behalf of my country INDIA. Lets hope a sense of sanity will prevail someday.

Good luck!!
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 14:31 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
This is what the Pakistanis publish

Its sad there are many Indians who live in fools paradise and still believe in friendship with Pakistan.Then better give away Kashmir to them which makes them happy than 5million for the flood victims.
Its sad to see their are some Indians who talk like cowards and behave like fools.
This is what Pakistan offered us today for our 5million offer
Pakistan's' defense budget $5billion..do they still need to beg for money from other nations????
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 16:39 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

Which Kashmir you are talking about. Why not you go and ask them, what they want. every 10 Kashmiri is having when army man. Great emoticon

I would love to have a great friendship with India. EU, where every country has its own boundry, culture but they are so good with eachother. Did they learn all in one day ??

Let me clear, we do not stand of any kind of terrorism. Thats the same issue like RAW and ISI. You and we are nothing, we are just people. We can understand the pain of eachother but not our Govt and Armies. If you find Zardari, slap him from myside as well. We have not voted for him but how he got the presidentship, that's called politics. Politics over dead bodies. Do tell me when you will get rid of Ghandi Family. What if Pakistan get F16, India gets also.

I myself, being a Pakistani, is not ready to donate a single Penny to Govt. of Pakistan. So Kohkar didn't ask you to do the same. If you want to help, come forward. But atleast do not spraed hate and violence among the people. Its already enough there.

I hope, there will be a time, when India and Pakistan will have common interests and will be like EU.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:04 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
I am talking about the Kashmir which belongs to Kashmiri Pandits.We need to protect our land and no more innocent killings of our Hindu brothers and sisters so we have the Army in Kashmir.If you want to know the truth then read this
It is the Muslims who wanted separation from India and form a separate Islamic nation.This they want it again to divide India on the name of religion and unfortunately there are many fools in India who want to show Gandhigiri.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:11 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Agreed! Whether its floods in Leh or in Pakistan. Its need of hour to think like a human being than thinking / judging like Indians or Pakistanis. It is left to person's discretion to donate or not.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:13 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
I do not want to extend the issue, but Raj you can find a lot of info and website containing the other version. No one is innocent and no one is guilty. Everybody is playing in the hand of others. The solution of the Kashmir is, let the people of Kashmir decide.

No body support killing of any body, whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Sikh etc. Man, we are human. Learn to live with each other. Spread love. Let us learn how to live with peace. if you continue attitude like this, what you think others will not show their anger ? They are less in any way. Again, Do not help us, inshAllah we will come up with flying colors by our own means.But please clear your heart. Consider all human,human irrespect of Kashimri, Kerala, Pakistani , indian , hindu , muslim.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:20 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
How much we Indians can do,we even offered 5million which Pakistan did not accept yet.
Now Pakistan boldly said they are not ready to stop terrorism against India from its land what else.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:27 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
stop following quran ,stop following ur radical islamic group.
.we have more peace in earth ..

these so called PEACE loving muslims 100% of time keep quite when some terrorism activity happen in the world and now asking for help on behalf of human being .

Anyhow for these ignorant indians ...

If u remember the incident recently where one professor( christian) hand was chopped off by these so called peace loving muslims?

I can give u here much more examples ...open ur eyes and look by urself. Dont be blind ..

U feed the snake it will only generate deadly poision for u.

IM out with my last post for this thread
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:34 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Help Kashmiri Pandits instead of helping these Pakistani's who are cause of terrorism all over the world.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:38 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Thanks God, we have Pakistan.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 17:45 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
India offers friendship and Pakistan supporting terrorism and interfering in India's internal matters.Today they boldly said that they will support terrorism in Kashmir,our politicians really have thick skin.
I would request every Indian please if you really want to donate then do it for millions of poor and starving kids in India.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 18:00 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Don't be so much innocent Raj. What is happening in Baluschitan and in Pakitan emoticon I can quote many sources and even evidence of RAW involvement but again we are not masters. we are just people.

Let me help also for my Indian brothers. Share the link, I will put my share as well.

Long live India, Long Live Pakistan.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 18:30 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

well said dude!!!
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 22:24 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
If any Indian still wants to donate after reading this news then its a shame for me to call you fellow countrymen.
Jai Hind

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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 23:32 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
oh my god, how much hatred!!!

why dont u understand that flood is natural disaster and khokhar is requesting to help the victims, and in this need of hour every sane person extending help be it U.N, EU, US or any other capable country. Dont they know about terrorism etc?

so, in a nutshell people like YOU who spread so much of hatred are the cause of all problems. Worth to mention that people like you on both side of border are the cause of Pakistan and perhaps Kashmir.

will you also condemn RSS,shive sena etc. if not then you are one of them. If you dont want to donate then its your point, but dont spread hatred becuase you will get the same in return.

i am going to donate to any sane orgnisation which stand by humanity and love and will also donate to my poor indians and for the upliftment of poor indian kids.

Let spread love and not hatred.

BTW: dont expect my next reply to your post!!
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Re: Help the Flood victims
19.08.10 23:52 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
If any Indian still wants to donate after reading this news then its a shame for me to call you fellow countrymen.
Jai Hind


Lovely... you know, its called "fundamentalism". If we would not leave this attitude we never get a peaceful world! And I hope for this sort of statement no one should point India as a fundamental, rude bla bla nation that certainly happening with religion (i.e. if someone from a religion does something then others love to blame that religion, why??). Anyway, I do not want to debate on this. Just want to say, open up your eyes- in every nation normal people are really simple, only the culprits are politians. If the politians are good then the country also runs good.

I would love to point another example of other neighbour country of India. Bangladesh has pledged $2 million for relief and will also send a medical team, etc to Pakistan (despite they have a lot of internal problems like India). (In my understanding) Although they (Bangladeshi) do not like to deal with Pakistan because of the bloody war in 1971, for what still the Pakistani govt. is not officially ashamed and Bangladesh is still suffering for that incident! But it has nothing to do with the general people of Pakistan, who are not enjoying life in guarded AC villa. Tell us, how many conflicts you have faced personally here in Deutschland with other country's citizen. Check out in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Pakistan_floods, see Nigeria is also in the donation list (of course India as well).

I request to all, please do not spread hatred to anyone rather try to do something for the human being!

Wish you all the best...
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 12:12 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
subir79 ,raj2009

its because of stupid people like you india is suffring .


they will live in peace till they are in minourity .Assoonas they become in majourity they show the true colour.
Now either its Hindus in pakisthan or hindus in kashmir or in Kerala.

you can close your eyes and ignore it its up to you.

Go anyhwhere in the world you will see the same pattren.

Before partition how many hindus were in pakisthan and today how many left ?

Im sorry if its hurts to some group of people here but Im just speaking the facts and stats Which are not made by myself.

Its better not to help them ...they will only give terrorism in return to the world.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 13:22 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
I don't blame subir79 ,raj2009 they are ignorant as they never faced the reality and only know things what they read on Internet and books.I served for 5 years in Indian Army and seen the life in Kashmir and the Muslim atrocities on Hindus and other monorities.
For Islam non Muslims are Kafirs and they are treated by them inhuman or like animals.If you don't agree please let me know a single Islamic country which allows people to practice other religious faith in public?
This is how believers of Islam treat the minorities during the flood
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 13:56 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
L^^k who is talking for minorities. Man l^^k behind.
You want to know the Muslim country where you can practice, go and live in Pakistan.
The sources in WIKI is from HINDUSTAN TIMES. I think some same-minded of urs is sitting there as well and editing WIKI.

Anyways, who Cares. Keep it up and spread haterous. That will serve the cause.

Take Care.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 14:45 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
dear reader of this post,
please try to forget the hate and frustration you have read above and act with your heart. If you feel that helping a dying child will give you peace of mind and soul, just go for it and donate.

This blame game will never end, the lunetics are in every religion who don't serve their religion or their faith rather serve only to the hatred inside.

Those guys don't care if they are bombing a hindu temple or a muslim mosque. We have so many examples from burning alive of thousands of muslim families in Gujrat to bombing of mosques to the killing spree that happend in Bombay to 9-11 in NewYork to many dying in Gaza. It's the hatred which boils over and does these heinous acts.

Please stop hatred and try to live peacefully side by side.

God Bless us all.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 19:09 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

I´m sure that you are following this thread, and I strongly recommend a temporary ban for @raj2001 and @deathinc, as sanity must prevail here.

@Khokhar and other friends out there.

On behalf of all the friendly and the sane Indians I would like to apologize to you guys and would like to once again humbly request....do not reply to these ignorant idiots, as more replies they will get, the more it will help their cause of spreading hatred, which definitely was not the original topic of this thread.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 19:34 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

I guess you are right dude...btw I also got a forwarded mail...is your real name Ashish?? :p

Dear all,

As u know, there is big flood in Pakistan and around 20 million peoples are suffering to survive. May be u will be not convince with my this mail but as a human being, we have to donate something.

As u know one euro will be sufficient for one family in Pakistan to survive one day and it will be not big trouble for us to donate around 5 euro.

I humbly request to all, please come to forward and help them. Please donot bother about that money will be in right hand.

I am waiting for all reply and then i will send you further information where we have to transfer money.

Thanking you very much for such a nice help and being nice human being!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashish Kumar Rai
AFP Lab (aplied solid state physics)
Ruhr University, Bochum
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 20:14 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
@raj2009 and all the others

Yes, you are right, I am following this thread carefully and I am happy that those who prefer to help without looking for religion and nation of the victims are the majority, but on the other hand there are different opinions and I am not a censor.

Sometimes provoking messages create better conclusions and I am sure there is more interest from our users than without these messages.

At the end everybody has to learn that hate creates no winners only loosers and love helps to come over all problems.

But even a 'good man' should not close his eyes in front of possible misuse of donations, so I suggest to use one of these organizations to donate:


Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Help the Flood victims
20.08.10 22:56 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
long live Detlef the wise one :-)
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Re: Help the Flood victims
21.08.10 00:40 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Just to give you a little glimpse of the situation

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Re: Help the Flood victims
24.08.10 11:32 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
25.08.10 15:38 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
hello dears,

we Pakistanis also don't believe much what our political jugglers say but when we post some link or information, we need to check it's authenticity.

This link below is not from a Pakistan governments site but from UN. It gives the current and latest picture.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
25.08.10 18:04 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Do the people in need actually get the help that they need or is your disaster money going to make someone rich ? people in Pakistan think it is ok to have 15 children that they can not afford.People are going to have to take responsibility for their own actions.Pakistan cannot cry for help, when they have no trouble building a multi billion dollar missile which is Pointed at my home.
About UN its a joke as of today it a money making organization for some countries.
Please note every charity or money making organization collect money by showing pictures of poor and dying kids.I saw the video of the flood in Pakistan and its very good advertising video inspiration from James Cameron.Its all a hype and believe this flood is not so serious.There is even worse flood in many parts of India and even in some parts of Germany so help them.
Also its Ramadan time so the flood victims in Pakistan only need 1 time food and their government have enough money to feed them so don't worry all kids will survive.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
25.08.10 19:41 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
I can only see hate from your message. If you dont want to help then dont worry, keep your money with you, buy a bear, sit relax and enjoy the show, keep smiling. But we will still help you if you fell into a similar situation because we dont see the world with your eye.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
25.08.10 21:09 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

My heart goes out to all the people in Pakistan. My heart aches for the children especially. My thoughts and prayers will always be with them. God Bless us all. The Spiegel newspaper of Germany also reported that 1/5th of Pakistan is practically under water.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
26.08.10 23:40 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

My heart goes with any child suffering in this world, I hope all the help will reach the children in Pakistan.
I have read some of the comments made by the fellow Indians, Its the commonsence and forsee the futute which is lacking in my opinion, spread commonsense and Patriotism, you dont have to hate others.

I love my India

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Re: Help the Flood victims
31.08.10 22:36 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
This is the attitude of Pakistan and we Indians are all Gandhi's
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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 00:21 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Dear Raj

Where are Ghandis when point comes for Kashmir

Read and think what international media is saying now. Now even 14 years old boys are also got trained by Pakistan ???

As u served armed forces, you will never realise the problems of common man. Man, we do not need your help, but please live in peace and let the other live.

If you got a chance for Ghandisim, please give rights to the people inside India, atleast help them. Hope that will not hurt you.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 01:40 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Dear Zeeshan

People of Kashmir wants to be join Pakistan which itself is a failed terrorist state and begging now for help from other nations or need Independence and be a small poor nation as Bangladesh or be part of fast growing economy like India?
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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 13:55 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Raj , u r so funny.
Read here


Let give them freedom. Neither Pakistan nor India...still better then killing them. You r so good in changing the topics. Where is Gahandisim now. I hope if Ghandi or Jinnah would be alive by now.... we would have been brothers states till now. If u look back history, we never broke relations with India but the otherway around. I think you are lacking too much to understand the politics.

Take care and have fun.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 15:32 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Sorry for the poor kid who knows nothing about freedom but instead of playing with other kids their parents send him to throw stones against security personals and then gets killed.Its sad these Muslims care more for Money/Religion than their own kids.
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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 16:11 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.
Raj2001 is right.

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Re: Help the Flood victims
01.09.10 17:58 als Antwort auf Muhammad Bilal.

Why u edited ur post now. We are happy to see the real face of urs emoticon

Now you should realised that why we were in need of Pakistan. You got a problem with Pakistan, Kashmir, Palestine , Muslims, China, Bangladesh, Nepal ....

Man come'on. let start a new world. Haterous will bring you nothing. I think, you guys are justified not helping others, as you are in need of help yourslef. Man atleast help yourself and please atleast keep our coming genrations away from these stupid mentality.

Last post on this thread.

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