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Visa Questions

ZAB initial evaluation for Blue Card

ZAB initial evaluation for Blue Card
30.06.17 09:09
I received a job offer for a Software Developer position in Germany. During my visa application, the German Embassy required me to have a ZAB assessment of my degree in order for them to grant me a work visa. After sending my documents to the ZAB, they sent me with the payment details and an initial evaluation that says:
Eine erste Durchsicht Ihrer Unterlagen hat ergeben, dass es für Ihren Abschluss keine Entsprechung im Hochschulbereich gibt. Nach derzeitigem Stand wird die Bewertung Ihres Abschlusses voraussichtlich auf der Ebene eines deutschen Reifezeugnisses sowie Teilen eines Grundstudiums in Informatik erfolgen.

Bitte überlegen Sie, ob Sie unter diesen Voraussetzungen die Ausstellung einer Zeugnisbewertung wünschen und geben Sie uns eine kurze Rückmeldung, ob wir mit der Bearbeitung Ihres Antrages fortfahren sollen.
Google translate says:
A first review of your documentation has shown that there is no equivalent in the higher education sector for your degree. According to the current state, the evaluation of your degree is expected to take place at the level of a German university degree as well as parts of a basic course in computer science.

Please consider whether you would like to receive a certificate evaluation under these conditions and give us a short confirmation as to whether we should continue to process your application.
I am confused with this statement: "there is no equivalent in the higher education sector for your degree". As far as I understand the requirements for Blue card, I need to have an assessment which states that my degree is equivalent to a university degree in Germany.

My university is listed in Anabin with H+ status but my degree is not listed under the university.

Is this initial review normal? Should I just send the a confirmation to continue my ZAB application?

Did I understand correctly that they would compare my bachelor's degree with a German bachelor's degree as I requested in my application form? deutschen Reifezeugnisses has different translations in Google, sometimes it means "German school leaving certificate" other times it is "German university degree". Thanks in advance.
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