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RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application

Hallo All,
i am pretty much sure that this question must be discussed here a quite few times but i did not find any appropriate post so i am again posting the question.
The min requirement for German is B1 level. What certificate is accepted for this level? I have done in Germany during my studies A1,A2 and B2.1 from Goethe institute and i have certificates as well. Apart from.that i have done other courses as well from university all with Certificates. Is that enough for B1? I heared that the behorde wants a B1 certificate in complience to Einbürgerung. Could somebody tell me what does that means or what new test i have to give?

Secondly as rule if u are living in Germany for 8 years (no matter on student visa or some other type) and at the time of applying one has a job and visa class 18, he/she can apply for einbürgerung. Is that correct.

Hope to hear from you all soon.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
09.06.15 16:10 als Antwort auf Zia Rehman.
B2 is better than B1!

All is correct. Go to Naturalization Office (Einbürgeeungsant) and apply immediately! They need Einbürgerungstest, language certificate, birth certificate and a form you get there to fill, so that you apply officially. Get the citizenship as long as you have a job! Be quick!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
10.06.15 08:22 als Antwort auf klenze17 holmenkollen.
Thanks for the reply, and i will do it ASAP as well as i have all the required documents. Another question is:
I am living in Dortmund and now the is in essen. I can keep the anmeldung in dortmund and apply there as i am living there for 4 years now. Will it effect if i change the anmeldumg to Essen and apply there as both are in NRW and theoretically there will be no difference. Does changing anmeldung shortly before applying creates any problems?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
einburgerung ummeldung
10.06.15 15:20 als Antwort auf Zia Rehman.
There can be only 1 application for citizenship. You cannot drive 2. If you move to another city then the authorities will take over your naturalization procedure from the previous office. This creates delay because docs shall be exchanged (transferred) between authorities, which takes a long time. If there are different cities, much longer. Different states, much longer. I know one case in my circle. I know a couple who moved from Hamburg to Hannover during their application phase, which caused 2-3 months of delay. Hamburg and Hannover are in the different federal states (Hamburg state and Lower Saxony -Niedersachsen).

The less you change your marital status, employer, residence, the faster the procedure. Most ideal way is not to change them until you get the citizenship. In the fastest way it takes about 6 months.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
13.06.15 17:36 als Antwort auf klenze17 holmenkollen.

First thanks for the answer but i think i did not explained my question well. 

My question is wether the cahnge of adress/city just before the application will effect the process or not. Means i shift to a new city in same region (Bundesland) and then apply there for einbürgerung. I am living now in big city and the job is in small city and they have their own nationality off (Einbürgerung büro). A small city means less applicationa and might be the process is bit faster than in big city. So shifting/registering in a new city just before applying for citizanship is a good idea or not. Or should i stick to the old city where i have been living sice 2010?

Hope now i clear my question :-)

Thanks for the help!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
15.06.15 00:16 als Antwort auf Zia Rehman.
I still think that my previous post is answering your question implicitly, independent from the city/state/size of the city. Shifting between the cities, no matter how, always causes delays. Even within the city. That was my case during my application of permanent residence permit: my registration docs had to be transferred from one part of the city to the other because I had moved before the application but full registration record not. Even this caused a delay of 2 weeks.

Small cities have less applications, might be an advantage. BUT, application start before shift always causes delay, independent from this. That's why I have mentioned my last paragraph in my previous post:
The less you change your marital status, employer, residence, the faster the procedure. Most ideal way is not to change them until you get the citizenship. In the fastest way it takes about 6 months.
which should be translated into: Start the application after the shift. Or wait for the finish of the application before the shift.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
22.06.15 13:13 als Antwort auf klenze17 holmenkollen.
Thanks for the info. I dont want to start a new thread thats why asking again under this thread. Can an application be launched before 8 years. My actuall time at the moment is 7 yaers and 8 months. I somewhere read that one can apply before(no integration course) as at the time of decision it must be 8 years.

As discussed above new job, want to start the process asap. So is there a ny way to start the process before or ii must wait another 4 months to reach 8 years limit.

Thanks for your supportive answer and hope to have some advice soon.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Einbürgerung: German Requirement and application
22.06.15 14:18 als Antwort auf Zia Rehman.

Actually you can start the process. But the best would be, you may visit your einbürgerungsamt in the city and check whether you qualify and if so, they will list the requirements and all you have to do is follow the instructions as per them as the process varies from amt to amit and city to city.

Good luck
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