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Job Loss
22.06.09 19:12
I know there has been lot of thread on this topic but i just want to make sure i do the right thing in my case..
I have a BE Visa valid till 2011
I would be losing my job in the mid of July,I have worked for more then 18 months(full time) and nearly 2 years as a student.
My question is if i apply for Arbeitlos geld would my BE visa be shortened and changed to the number of months i am eligible for arbeitlos geld .

How should i proceed without getting my visa shortened?? Any info is highly appreciated
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
22.06.09 19:19 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
>>My question is if i apply for Arbeitlos geld would my BE visa be shortened and changed to the number of months i am eligible for arbeitlos geld .

Most probably it maybe reduced, but depends on the caseofficer in the foreign office.

>>How should i proceed without getting my visa shortened?? Any info is highly appreciated

Best would be to get a job...any job for now to tide the bad times without applying for ALG(I).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
22.06.09 20:06 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
I wonder does he need to go to visa office if he loses his job. I think he can go directly to arbeitsagentur and get ALG.
I am not sure how long will arbeitsagentur give him ALG if he has BE.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
22.06.09 20:39 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
as babashankar said
I also wonder why to go to visa office if you lose the job.
Can go directly to arbeitsagentur and apply for ALG1 and it depends on the number of years you worked and I think it has nothing to do with the validity of your BE visa.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
22.06.09 20:48 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
Normally the Arbeitsamt sends people to Auslanderbehorde to get confirmation about their visa status, so i dont thinnk one can skip that process.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
23.06.09 10:20 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
Thank you all for the info.I would try my best to find any possible job to avoid applying for ALG.
I would keep you posted about any info i have.

Thanks once again.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
25.06.09 18:19 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
Thanks guys for all your help.I got an extension for 3 months for now .Lets see how it goes after that.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
25.06.09 18:24 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.

So could do describe the process

did u apply for ALG, did they send you to ABH. did the ABH cancel your visa and give a new one for 3 months?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
25.06.09 18:51 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
No i just got an extension from my boss for 3 months. I didnot go to the AA since i got an extension for now.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
25.06.09 21:34 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
if u have BE and if your visa is valid Till 2011, then you get ALG1 for the maximum eligible time. Within this time if you were not able to find a job then you need to go to AB and get the "Jobsearch visa" depending on their mood :-)
I had this personal experience.

If somebody in the Arbeitsamt/AB tells that you are not eligible show them that your workpermit is not restricted to a company "in German" or if they cannot "read" the german text , may be you need to pump some money to the lawyer's pocket.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Job Loss
25.06.09 21:48 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
Sind Sie als Ausländer nicht Angehöriger eines Staates der
Europäischen Union/des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraumes
oder der Schweiz, beurteilt sich Ihre Verfügbarkeit wie bei
einem deutschen Arbeitnehmer, solange Sie sich erlaubt
in Deutschland aufhalten und Ihnen ein Aufenthaltstitel,
der zur Aufnahme einer Beschäftigung berechtigt,
grundsätzlich erteilt werden könnte.


page 20
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Re: Job Loss
26.06.09 13:22 als Antwort auf bjferns Ferns.
Mathew, thanks for your comment, here's another thread from info4alien that may be relevant:


so, according to SGB III you can still get ALG I even if you don't have ANY Aufenthaltstitel currently, but can get it legally if you get a job offer, and it actually does not have much to do with BE.
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