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RE: Premature retirement...

Premature retirement...
25.11.12 09:05
Hi all,
I work in Germany 4 months. Unfortanetaly my company decided to close local design center.So my contract will be terminated in one month.
What I already found out from many sources (please correct me if something is said wrong):
1. I should notify authorities as soon as I lose my job.
2. I will be given 3 (or even more) months to find a new job
3. I am not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits as I should pay 12 months for this insurance to be eligible. 
But I still have too many questions. Sow I appreciate any input by any of them:
1. I wonder if my new employer should just sign contract, so all afterwards stuff with the authorities will be done by me.I am asking this to make sure that employer has nothing to do with the authorities, so I can claim that I have legal work permit and I don't need something like sponsorship. I beleive potential employers will give less priority to such candidates
2. Lets assume I found the job. I was obliged to work 2 years for the company that sponsored my visa. Will this rule expand to the next employer as well?
3. Is health insurance mandatory for this unemployment period? If yes, how much is that? Can I expect any help?
As I said every input is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Premature retirement...
27.11.12 13:00 als Antwort auf Arm Har.

I am asking this to make sure that employer has nothing to do with the authorities, so I can claim that I have legal work permit and I don't need something like sponsorship.

I highly doubt that you have an open work permit (Beschäftigung erlaubt/Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet), which means that you'll need to go through the Vorrangprüng and your employer will have to support your application.


3. Is health insurance mandatory for this unemployment period? If yes, how much is that? Can I expect any help?

Health insurance is mandatory for everyone resident in Germany. Since you are not eligible for unemployment insurance, you will have to pay for your health insurance yourself. Contact your Krankenkasse to find out if they'll let you be a freiwilliges Mitglied (costs about 145€/month), otherwise you'll need private health insurance.
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: Premature retirement...
29.11.12 13:36 als Antwort auf Arianne.
Hi Arianne,
Thank you very much for your reply.

Just one more question: isn't the priority check waved if the salary exceeds 45k?
At least I saw it hear: http://www.bluecard-eu.de/eu-blue-card-germany in working section.
Could you please add more input on this topic?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Premature retirement...
29.11.12 16:17 als Antwort auf Arm Har.
Here mentioned below are the answers :

1.I should notify authorities as soon as I lose my job. - YES
2. I will be given 3 (or even more) months to find a new job - YES
3. I am not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits as I should pay 12 months for this insurance to be eligible. YES , you are not eligible
But I still have too many questions. Sow I appreciate any input by any of them:
1. I wonder if my new employer should just sign contract, so all afterwards stuff with the authorities will be done by me.I am asking this to make sure that employer has nothing to do with the authorities, so I can claim that I have legal work permit and I don't need something like sponsorship. I beleive potential employers will give less priority to such candidates

It depends on who hire you , if big compnaies like SAP , IBM , HP ... etc hires you they will do al l the paper work.
or else you should do it by yourself , once ypou have the signed contrcat , you should submit to the visa office , requesting for work permit.

2. Lets assume I found the job. I was obliged to work 2 years for the company that sponsored my visa. Will this rule expand to the next employer as well?

Your current visa will be void , when you inform the autorities they will give you 3 months option to stay ( which is not a visa , but its a document which allows you to stay and look for a job , its called 

3. Is health insurance mandatory for this unemployment period? If yes, how much is that? Can I expect any help?
Yes , Health insurance is mandatory. You can try mentioning your situation to the insurance office , probably they will insure you until you find the job. 

+1 (1 Stimme)

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