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Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com

Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
26.02.12 22:46
I found trust7 and toytown very helpful with loads of information for people moving to Germany or already living in Germany.

For couple of months I have been following these forums and they helped me find answers to many of my questions.

Recently I found toytown was not accessible from India, and I used different VPN from other country to access my toytown account to ask editor_bob about my problem. He replied back saying that India is full of spammers, hence he blocked access to toytowngermany for India and asked me to fix my country's problem so that he can re-open the access.

Well! the burden was too much for me to solve my country's spam problem, I replied back to Bob saying that blocking the country will not solve his problem, spammers will find a way to keep him busy, I thanked him for his answer, and moved on with my life.

I have been active on both trust7 and toytown(I go by the same name "xtreamer" on both toytown and trust7) and contributed my bit of share by answering few questions related to visa and technology.

Yesterday on toytown I shared Detlef's new website related to blue card(http://www.bluecard-germany.com) thinking that it will be helpful for others on toytown.

Today I am blocked from accessing toytown and my post related to blue card has been deleted.

I know I can create a new account on toytown and act smart-ass without being noticed by bob, or i can just visit their site as a guest without being contributing anything back.

Some times I feel pity on people for their narrow-mindedness and insecurity towards openness, they fear of losing identity for being open to the world.

Anyway! its their world! they can decide to keep anyone or kick-out anyone they like.

Being Linux enthusiast, I go by the following principle,
"Knowledge is the only thing that multiplies by sharing"

Just wanted to keep trust7 users warned, so that you can avoid being kicked out of toytowngermany.com

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
27.02.12 00:48 als Antwort auf adav adav.
My personal view about Toytown is that it is full of 'native English' speaking smartasses - usually half as qualified as the Indian crowd around doing all sorts of jobs here in Germany. They have lots of useless bums there.

Still they dont have any problems with their visas, residence permits, etc as they are from countries with a 'priveleged country' status like the US and Australia.

Blocking someone for posting something is wrong. But Detlef's websites (including Trust7) are also for his direct/indirect own personal benefit emoticonSo there is a conflict of interest with the owners of TT and probably thats why they threw you out.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
28.02.12 11:46 als Antwort auf adav adav.
I agree with supersid. toytown Germany is not for us..they share cultural expereinces and tourist information more than visa and paper related issues. I found people discussing more trivial things (I might be wrong as I used to access it long long ago).

And I wont recommend it to most qualified Indians/pakistanis/asians and even europeans etc to join it. No offence made but the niveu of toytown members is not same as of yours.

And do not take it on heart dost. Someone blocked someone else from something like toytown discussion forum for some reason..not a big deal.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
29.02.12 01:32 als Antwort auf adav adav.
what do you mean NOT the SAME LEVEL with THEM?
are we too cheap?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
29.02.12 11:12 als Antwort auf adav adav.
hey VP_2004..please read my comments carefull.y I did not mean higher level or lower leven but I meant different levels, different situation, differnt problems and different "Zielgruppe".

Most of the members on trust7 are here due to education background or studies, or accompanying spouse etc., also our problems are mostly related to papers, Amt, embassies and and and..

At least when I used to surf toytown few years ago, I had completely different impression.

I found trust7 much better because it is to specific, to the point. On toytown discussed topics are like. Klick it once to know more about it
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
29.02.12 23:33 als Antwort auf adav adav.
ha ha ha, don't get angry! and you are right!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
29.02.12 23:53 als Antwort auf adav adav.
Let me add one more thing.I think most of the people on Trust7 are of Indian origin (myself being one of them).

Strangely I notice that most of them have the same problems about visas, residence permits, citizenship, etc. One reason for this is the lack of German skills - but this is also the case of other non-German speakers. How do they manage it?

Additionally, I think the Indian community just wants to make things easy for themselves and instead of using google and translator, they prefer to ask others on the forum and make them work indirectly.Why put an effort if others will do it?

Anyone else noticed this behaviour?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
01.03.12 12:01 als Antwort auf adav adav.
Hey supersid,

Lack of conistency and tranparency leads to many doubts and people thats why prefer to ask other people expereince. German embassy there asks to bring this and that 12 documents but as my wife was there, they asked for 2 more and next time an extra photocopy for one more paper. Sometimes they say it takes 6 weeks to get visa but it takes 3 months for the same.

Moreover, the Hamburg ABH has different rules than in Bayern. Moreover, you never know if your account will be blocked while going to ABH in Duisburg. Slowly people get imression that except some general rules, ABH mood, person handling case etc, are things which matter more for us.

I am not sure if a German would read a Chinese doc while leaving for China for 3 years. Without double Indians make lot of efforts because unless migrants from UK, US etc., for us its about survival and not adventure.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 09:46 als Antwort auf adav adav.
Comparing Germans going to China is not a good comparison because Chinese is not German. If you want a good comparison, look at other non German speaking highly qualified communities (lots of IT professionals now are coming from Eastern Europe). And I think that they tend to give in more effort to the language.

I think because the Indian community speaks English and lots of people here speak English or some English, our community prefers not to learn German except if they really need to. Especially the IT community who comes here even for a longer period.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 11:25 als Antwort auf adav adav.
Please supersid..I do not mean to be offending but just writing my view and apologies in advance if you feel bad about it.

From 2nd person's view it feels ignorant and arrogant if a person (a forgiener) has achieved something and start looking others not as good as he/she is. Here are some typical examples and they sound bad to me..

- I speak German but other Indians usually do not prefer to do that or
- I am integrated but my community prefer not to do that..
- I am legal here but many Indians are illegal here
- Many Indians come here and open Pizzeria and spoil name of my country..
- Or someone from India criticizing Türkish way of living
- or knock out used by Germans(few) while speaking with forgiener.."Many Ausländers are not integrated but you are an exception and you are different"

Its all about situtation, present condition, system and is higly subjective.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 16:02 als Antwort auf adav adav.
haha... looking at this thread and the subsequent replies, it justifies the kick out from toytown
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 16:16 als Antwort auf adav adav.
actually now the conversation seems more like the toytown conversation ;-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 17:07 als Antwort auf adav adav.
yeah..sorry..streched too long but there is a little toytown in everyone emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
02.03.12 18:59 als Antwort auf adav adav.
Anyway, thanks everyone for their views.
world doesn't start or end with toytown, its a big world out there to embrace you, all you need is an open mind and open heart.

I learned many good things from toytown, there are really good people out there with their valuable experience on german life (and some ass-holes to spice-up the conversation, oh wait!!! i would call them spice-holes:-)

My only suggestion to beginners on toytown is:
read the "beginners guide" before you start posting anything. There are lot of things mentioned about do's and dont's, keep reading their posts and lay-low, dont get noticed by those bully's unless you have a genuine question or problem to discuss.

Good luck.
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: Re: Kicked out of toytowngermany.com
06.03.14 17:58 als Antwort auf Punar Punar.
Thank you for this topic because I find out that there is negativity and non-freedom at all !
Sometimes people can feel irritated by seeing success in other people,
it is the blockage related to wealth aura, it is area which requires
attention and healing.
I posted several messages in toytowngermany,
and I received aggressive letters from one English speaking healer and
anonymus who complained about my posts to admin, so they blocked me. So
want to say that when healer is not in Love, his mind is not creative,
but destructive. May souls of these people receive happiness and eyes
sees the light within and in others.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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