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RE: Purchasing House : Loan

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Purchasing House : Loan
22.03.22 11:50

So we are interested in purchasing a 1971 House. The house needs renovation.  We have got an approx. estimation from our craftsman. A meeting with bank has already taken place and we are getting following offer from the bank.
House cost416000 EurNK44000Eur
Rennovation/Repair80000 EurModernisierung25000 Eur
The offer is agreed upon  House Cost + Rennovation/Repair = 495000 Eur and the rest ~ 69000 will be given by us. The Zinsen Rate which we have been offered is,
2,36% (Effectiv)15 Years(Zinsbindung)1724 Eur Monthly Rate
Tilgungssatz 1,90%
Laufzeit : 35 YearsSondertilgung 5% per annum
I would like to know if this is good offer?
The Bank agent was not in favour of KFW-Förderung as he said now the rates of which have as well increased (1,5%) and moreover it takes nearly 6-7 Months to get the approval for KFW from the authorities and only then can the repair-work begin. I am not sure if this will be a wise decision not to include KFW-Part here. Considering the fact that now the Zinsen have really taken a sharp uptrend in last 3 months.  emoticon
If you feel any other important factors I may consult with bank then please let me know. Your valuable suggestions are much required.Thanx.
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RE: Purchasing House : Loan
23.06.22 15:45 als Antwort auf Newbie7 ..
we can help you with the purchase. credit repair buffalo ny offers many options for you.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Purchasing House : Loan
14.07.22 20:26 als Antwort auf Newbie7 ..
Interesting site i love it keep posting more   kitchen remodeling spokane
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Purchasing House : Loan
14.07.22 20:39 als Antwort auf Killer smile smile.
interesting site i love it keep posting more   kitchen remodeling spokane
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Purchasing House : Loan
31.07.22 15:53 als Antwort auf Killer smile smile.
surely, there must be other means to acquire loans without high interest Screen enclosures celebration
0 (0 Stimmen)

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