Dear trust7 community,
do you know what an eye-catcher is? Auf deutsch ein Blickfang?
This is one, a picture of my dog waiting for coffee. Has nothing to do with my business, but surely attracs more people than my own picture 

Avida wartet auf ihren Kaffee!
Of course there are some news too!
trust7 expands it's business to the Middle East, especially Iran!
We hired a Country Manager who is responsible for all kind of business in this region and we offer consulting services and more for companies who want to take up this big chance!
Our Manager is a native Iranian, lived and worked in Germany for many years, speaks Farsi, English and German perfectly and has very connections, because of many successful years of business!
We have some new clients for SAP and Automotive Jobs, so please visit our 'Job Offers' page from time to time.
Last but not least I want to repeat my recommedation to lear German! If you want to work and live here, if you are ambitious to make a career or if you just want to improve your situation if you already live in Germany, learn our language!
Thanks for using trust7, danke für Ihre Unterstützung unserer Community!