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Visa Questions

RE: Benefits of Daueraufenthalt

Benefits of Daueraufenthalt
7/30/13 8:58 AM
Hi all,

Recently I went to foreigner office to apply for Permanent residence (Niederlassungerlaubnis). The person there instead suggested me to apply for Daueraufenthalt. According to him with Daueraufenthalt one can work not only in Germany but in other Schengen countries as well.

Does somebody has worked in other schengen countries witht his type of Visa? What is the benefit of holding Daueraufenthalt ?

Thanks in advance.
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RE: Benefits of Daueraufenthalt
7/30/13 3:07 PM as a reply to ARS.
According to him with Daueraufenthalt one can work not only in Germany but in other Schengen countries as well.
Contrary to common belief, the DA-EU does not include an automatic work permit for other countries. Holders are only allowed to take up residence in other EU countries if they have the financial resources to do so, however, they are still subject to labour market restrictions. Furthermore, the DA-EU is not valid in Denmark and the UK.

The main advantage is that the DA-EU remains valid for longer if you leave Germany (i.e. 6 years while living in a participating EU country and 1 year everywhere else).
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RE: Benefits of Daueraufenthalt
7/31/13 10:28 AM as a reply to Arianne.
DA-EU is not valid in Denmark ,UK and Ireland.

Also when you have DA-EU , it will be relatively easier to have work permit in those affliated countries, than starting from scratch. DA-EU has definitely more advantages than NE. Go for that as adviced by your AB.
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