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Re: Visiting Visa

Visiting Visa
26/02/04 12:46
Hi Guys,

Iam in need of information regarding Visiting Visa.Would be nice if someone could put some light about my queries.

I would like to invite my brother over here in Germany.

[1]What are the procedures that I have to go through?
[2]What are the Documents that I have to submit here in Germany & where.
[3]What are the Documents That the visa applicant have to submit in the German Embassy in India.
[4]Can I invite anyone from India,I mean not close relatives or Is their any law by which I could invite only my parents or close Relatives..

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Re: Visiting Visa
26/02/04 13:02 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.

As of I know you can invite anyone from india.

You have to go to Bürgeramt and ask for "Verpflichtungserklärung".
First of all you need to fill this form. You have to show your last three months salary slips and your passport. Then you have to pay 20 euro's . you will get a certificate. That should be shown in
German Embassy (India).

I am not sure how it works in india. I invited my brother who lives in UK. There he has to show his bank statement and the above certificate. He got his visa for three months.

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Re: Visiting Visa
26/02/04 13:14 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
[1] You have to go to Landratsamt in your area, Go there and find the Section for Auslander ussualy this separate by the Doors or rooms,
and alpabetical seperated base on your last name (family name). example (A .. C room 102).
In Landratsamt you have to fill the invitation formular, regarding the data of the person you going to invite.
you have to pay 20 euro after this, and if anything completed you can get the invitation ready after that.

[2] You need to bring :
- passport
- apartement rent document
- salary reciept (the latest)
- Anmeldung bestatigung (registration where do you live)
[3] The visa applicant submit :
- inviation from you (the formular from Landratsamt)
- flight ticket
- Travel insurance

[4] I think you can also invite someone who are not a close relative because in Landratsamt they did not ask for formal document abaout the relationship between you and the person you going to invite.
you just need to mention Name, date of birth, pasport no (if exists, if not you can fill this later).


You can ask 3 month maximum for visiting visa only.

Good Luck

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Re: Visiting Visa
26/02/04 16:09 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
Thank you Guys...
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Re: Visiting Visa
26/03/04 7:55 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
"You can ask 3 month maximum for visiting visa only."

and you can prolong it on 3 months if you can find reasons why his presence here is needed *lol* ;)
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